Estranged cousin is dying. Should we reach out?

My cousin is only a couple of years older than me, but from when he turned 18 onwards, he's never really engaged with our family. He's chosen to separate himself and we all respected it. He kept in touch with his parents and brother, and that was it, and even then, it was sporadic.

He's now 44, and unfortunately got just days left. Rarely lucid, hospice care, morphine drivers etc. My Mum wants us to reach out and visit, but also says she wants to respect his wishes and decisions to go his own way and do his own thing. He's created his own network of friends and girlfriend in his locale, and they're caring for him in his last days, but my Mum feels incredibly guilty that we're not being part of it.

I'm a bit stuck as to what to advise, as I liked the guy, and we didn't have bad blood or anything, we just went in separate directions and lived very separate lives. He's even been to visit the area I live in, and came passed my house, but still chose not to get in touch, so clearly he's no interest in the family outside his own immediate relatives. I think it might be a generational thing, and my parents generation want to visit people in hospital, and bring grapes and magazines, whilst personally, I can't think of anything worse than feeling rubbish and then having to make small talk with relatives I don't really know.

I'm a bit stuck really, as I don't know if we should reach out or not, and my Mum is equally as conflicted.

What say you r/askuk?