Scratched by stray cat

Staying in Marmaris for a few days. There was a cat while we were having dinner in the hotel that sat with us and ate some of the food. It was letting us pet it, was purring happily. It then got spooked away and scratched me pretty badly on the hand in the process. I washed my hands about 50 times, and it did have a clipped ear. It also did not appear rabid. However, I have OCD and it's convincing me that I am going to contract rabies. I keep thinking all the 'what if's like what if it was just asymptomatic? What if another cat with rabies licked its paws? What if I'm the one in a billion who will just get unlucky? I'm not sure what to do. I'm here for 2 more days, and I can't get a vaccination here because I have no way to get to a clinic alone and my family reckons I'm being dramatic (which I might be, but again, OCD). I now cannot sleep.