[General Sci-fi] How deep can an "Earthscraper" be?
To avoid potential confusion, by "Earthscraper" I mean essentially the same as a Skyscraper but inverted in the ground.
My question is as following, Assuming modern or future technology (Keeping it as Hard sci-fi with materials known to exist or theoretical)How deep could we build living space underground?
Perhaps there are engineers who can help too?The ground isn't as stable as it often appears. it move slowly and the deeper we go the more stress we put on the walls of the structure.
There's also the limitation of Geothermal energy. If we were going deep enough, the Earth starts to be too hot for living so you need some seriously efficient A/C running 24/7 with the additional bonus of converting it into power.
How about flood prevention? it can be seriously hard to pump that water up from many kilometer deep. Maybe you can boil it and vent it up? idk.