How would fantasies of wanting a “dommy mommy” impact your marriage

In school, none of the other kids or teachers ever paid attention to me. I was never invited out to parties or any of the sort, i sat at lunch alone, you get the idea. I was also subject to bullying. This continued into high school years later when a group of girls brought me into their friend group, and i was only there for entertainment and being the punching bag.

They would belittle, bodyshame and emotionally abuse me and overtime i got the idea that it was ok if a girl in the future does this to me. Those girls i was “friends” with literally abused me so much i thought it was ok for women to do this.

Now, I’ve discovered theres women called who are similar to that of dommy mommies. They love you, cherish you and call you names like “sweet little angel” or “good boy, honey or sweetie”, all names that would make me melt. I always have been a naturally submissive pushover so ig it works into my favor. Those years of bullying still hurt me and idk if for when i get married, because i dont plan to date, will it heal me if my wife talks to me how i described i wanna be talked to above. I just wanna be held and kissed on my forehead so i can shut out what those girls did to me all those years ago.

But i dont know if it would.