Why do most guys become uninterested when girls start to actually like them?
I’m not sure if this just happens to me or the guys I attract have avoidant attachment styles or what. I’ve found in my time dating a lot of guys I’ve gone out w will chase me and be over express interested in me first (always making the plans, texting first, etc.). I never act uninterested to be clear, like I don’t play hard to get. I always text back when I can and am easy to plan with. But for whatever reason usually around the 2 month mark after they’ve acted all lovey and extremely into me, I start to catch major feelings (understandably) and they ALWAYS start pulling back. When they do that I will start putting in more effort to compensate for the lack of theirs and they just become more and more distant the more effort I show. The part that always hurts me the most is how fast they go from being caring and affectionate to disregarding me at every turn. I find it really odd and I typically ask why the shift in energy and I almost always get a non real answer, always just “I’m so busy”. It’s almost like they realize shit getting serious/real and it freaks them out? I’m unsure but any idea why this happens? Am I just attracting guys with avoidant attachment styles?