Should I tell her I’m a virgin?

Friends recently let me know a friend of a friend has a crush on me. I took a leap of faith and asked her out. It's going really well so far and we've been seeing each other for a few weeks now.

Recently we went to hoop up the first time. It was going well until my pants came off. The truth is I've never had sex before. I'm in my mid twenties so none of my friends know this about me and I am sort of embarrassed by it. I didn't tell her I was a virgin but she could tell something was wrong and that was nervous. I was practically shaking and had performance anxiety and she asked me what was up and I gave her the stupidest possible explanation and told her I was just cold.

Needless to say we didn't end up having sex. She wants to hang out again soon, but is probably wondering why I was being so weird. I'm thinking of being straight up and telling her I'm just nervous because it's my first time. My only hesitation is I've seen a lot of threads on Reddit say never to tell a woman your a virgin because it's a turnoff or red flag and I'm worried she'll think I'm a loser or something. Thoughts?