My girlfriend said we're not going to have sex any more unless...
I started dating my gf a few months ago. At first things went well, the sex was great and passionate until one day she said she wanted to have a baby with me. I said no because I wasn't ready for a family.. After only 7 months I wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting in... I have a good job but I don't have baby money right now.
After some time, our physicality slows from the point where we had sex every week to no longer having sex for 2 months...
I figured it was because of work or stress and left it alone. I tried talking it out with her until she said one night that she's not having sex with me unless we are planning to have a other words, the next time we have sex will be to cum in her...
I had one thing bothering me.... During this time, I noticed while we didn't have sex, she would come over and still use pads even though she wasn't on her period. It was a big deal until I saw spots on the pads. It has me suspicious that something else is going on....
Should I talk this out or just bail?