What can I do about my low testosterone levels when the doctors refuse to help?
My testosterone is low and the doctors don't want to help
Hi, I'm a 24 year old guy from the netherlands. Around 5 years ago I wanted to test my testosterone levels since I had problems with weightloss, gyno, very low amount of bodyhair and even though I have good genes for strength it suddenly stalled. Testing came back and said I had 220 ng/dL which is too low. They just told me to lose weight and it'll even out. Well 3 years later, lost a bunch of weight and my test levels went to 240 ng/dL but they still said to lose more weight (at that point I weighed 90kg at 1.88m 19% bf).
Last year I got into a relationship and experienced erectile dysfunction. At first I told myself that this was due to stress (it was my first sexual experience) but even when I was completely comfortable it still happened almost every time. Got my blood tested again and it still showed 240 ng/dL. This kind of caused me to go into a depressive episode and I gained more weight back than I had before. Right now they tell me the same thing again that I should lose weight and I'm fucking done with it. Yes I should lose weight but my low test levels won't be fixed by losing weight. What are the options I have? I even thought of taking low dosage of steroids to bring my test levels to an average amount but I'm scared of the side effects.
Thank you