Major religions are misogynistic

Since school I've been baffled by women choosing to believe in religion and following its shitty practices. Religion is stupid and it's especially anti women. No matter if it's Hinduism with its pseudoscientific practices or the savage abrahamic ones - they're all misogynistic.

I've tried to reason with many women close to me about indulging in practices of religion (especially those that are misogynistic). But it doesn't ring a bell with them. However, almost all of my male and female friends or acquaintances from uni recognise the stupidity of religion. But that might be down to the fact that our majors were in rigourous scientific fields.

In my opinion pseudoscience and religious bullsheet is a major deterent for the growth of this country. As such I provide heavy resistance when I'm asked to discuss topics like astrology, tarot, religious morality (they're not reasoned out but just pronouncements), etc.

Men are welcome to opine. But this is mainly for women.

If you are aware of the misogny and still follow religious practices, why? If you think religions (at least the major ones) are not inherently misogynistic, why?

PS - I do respect your right to have a belief but I do not necessarily respect your belief.