Serious question: How can I improve the look of my ravaged looking anus?

I had a hemorrhoid when I was in my early 20s and from that point on I developed anal itch and a bad habit of itching the area regularly. I finally stopped itching 2 years ago, but after over 20 years of doing this in addition to having another hemorrhoid 10 years ago from sitting too much at work, my anus looks like I’ve been gang banged nonstop for days. I had a colonoscopy several years ago and no polyps were found. I also haven’t had a hemorrhoid in over 10 years. So this basically comes down to a cosmetic and not a health issue. As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten more into fitness and have also become more vers (I was mostly top in my 20s and 30s). So this has become a bigger problem for me. A top I hooked up with several months ago asked via text a few days later “What happened to your ass?” and didn’t seem interested in meeting again. It’s not the first time. I’m no spring chicken but I’m kinda jealous when I see guys around my age with nice looking holes.

So my question is, what can I do about this? Is surgery the only option? I’m unfortunately not a well off person that I can spend thousands and thousands on cosmetic surgery otherwise I euro have taken care of this 20 years ago. Has anyone had any experience with this? Any success? How much did it cost? I appreciate any constructive advice. Thanks.