Husband has been vomiting for 17 hours
Edited to add: thank you everyone for all of your advice, suggestions, and input. He was able to get his nausea under control by using a THC pen (which I have feelings about, but my opinion doesn’t matter here), and he’s stable. The rest of the family has started throwing up, so at least he’s stable enough to take care of us now. I hope.
Demo: 41 yo male, 200 pounds, 5’9”, recovering addict with over 5 years clean on suboxone, gabapentin, chlorzoxazone, and Prozac. In generally good health outside of this.
Around noon on Saturday (about an hour and a half after eating a chef boyardee cup of ravioli) he said he felt nauseous and was going to throw up, but then ended up having to poop (not diarrhea, but a lot of cramping and pain). Shortly after that, though, he began throwing up. He has thrown up 3-4 times an hour (with the exception of one hour) over the last 17 hours. He has pooped one more time in that time frame.
He can’t keep down any food whatsoever, he took a zofran, was able to keep that down for 1 hour (the exception), but then began throwing up again with a vengeance.
Water and apple juice aren’t staying down, either.
So far, no blood in his vomit, just a lot of stomach acid, water, and apple juice (he’s pretty much vomiting after every time he tries to rehydrate).
I have also started vomiting, but nowhere near the extreme amounts as he had.
I think it’s time to go to the hospital, he just keeps waiting for it to end. So, docs- is it hospital time for IV fluids and blood work, or can this be an urgent care visit, or does this sound like something he can wait out?