Sleepwalking gf has seriously injured herself & it's getting worse

Subject of post (my gf- she is too anxious about this to post for herself) is 38 female, 5'2, 240lbs approx, takes methimazol, famotidine, adderall, desvenlafaxine, vit d. Just got off seroquel that she had been on for years. She suffers from MS, adhd, major depression, asthma, bipolar 1, and seasonal allergies. She briefly had a cpap but the insurance company determined she didn't use it for enough hours at night (insomniac!! Of course she didn't) so they took that away. Never been a cigarette smoker. She smokes green for anxiety and also it's benefits to adhd, etc. There. That's all covered. Got deleted last time.

My gf has been a light sleepwalker her entire life. Early on, it was getting snacks and piling them into the bed- either eating them or just leaving them open and poured out everywhere.

With me she had also in the past had conversations. Told me secrets. "Tried" to start a fight. By that I mean saying stuff that would have caused a fight if she were awake.

It comes and goes. The last bout of it was 4-5 years ago. Recently she has gotten at least 2 concussions; fallen flat on her back, fallen backwards in a way that I imagine is the same as when she is sitting in bed and flips onto her pillow.

But this time she was several feet away from the metal door to our heater's metal service door. We went to the ER finally, after she fell again and said she saw stars.

Yeah. She was going to deal with a bad concussion until the symptoms messed with her vision enough. The nurses, and myself, and her mother, all thought she had a brain bleed and from what I know the survival rate for the surgery in that case is not comforting.

She has a broken leg (the long bone down near her ankle bone) and something like major bruising or a sprain on the other leg.

We went to stay with a family member who had the accessibility equipment to help for about a week. She tried tying herself to the bed. We had tried a string of cans in the hallway from the bedroom and bathroom at home. We even moved a heavy decorative shelf between the opening from that hall to the living room and kitchen. She, well, hulked it and in the morning I woke to find it shoved over, with the rest of the barrier on either side. To get by she would have had to walk over the shelf or several 5 gallon buckets stacked and filled with dirt.

So. We are desperate. She is still getting hurt. She tore a chunk of skin off her foot this morning, woke up and started screaming because it looked SO BAD. It's actually not as bad as it looked before, but it's not great.

We do not know what to do at this point. Her doctors say sleep study but the one her insurance takes is notorious to our GP's office as never getting to the majority of patients. Having to be hounded by multiple docs and nurses and coordinators. It also would require her to drive alone at night in a city she isn't very familiar with, and leave promptly first thing in the morning. Because of the sleep disturbances she is having difficulty driving. We have been in a mild accident- gone off into a ditch with soft trees and a broken road sign.

Anyway. I'm terrified. She's completely inconsolable. The doctors that are trying to help can't so far.