Should I be concerned about my ankle injury? Do I need to see someone? (27F)

I injured my ankle two weeks ago. I fell down a flight of stairs, it all happened to fast but all I remember was rolling my right ankle and feeling immense pain. I mean I couldn’t stand up. After awhile I forced myself to stand up and walked and everything felt normal at first with just a little dull pain. Then it got to the point where I was limping because I felt uncomfortable on it. I then since rested and iced for a week and a half. On the one day I tried to put any mobility on my leg I ended up with insane nerve pain the night of. I get random pinches throughout my body. When I touch the ankle the swelling has gone down significantly but I feel like there’s a bone that’s sticking out from the front part of my leg where the ankle is. I feel numbness at night around my ankle. I notice there’s a vein that looks bigger than my left uninjured ankle. I’m starting to get worried because this nerve pain is getting to me. I can’t stay on my foot or work because by the end of the night I feel overall weird, nerve pinches, and numb around the ankle.

I’m honestly worried and don’t know if I need to tough this out or if it’s normal. Do you think I should see someone?