Digestive/abdominal pain for 6 months, pancreatic elastase almost zero.
I posted previously about this ~6 weeks ago, but since then there have been a few developments. I'm coming back to the AskDocs to get further opinions.
I'm a 27 year old man, 85kg, 172cm. No recent changes in diet when symptoms started, minimal cancer risk factors. Drink socially, perhaps 2-3 times monthly. Not diabetic (I monitor my blood sugar with a freestyle libre). Crohn’s disease on my mother’s side of the family with one uncle. No recurring medications, one vitamin/mineral supplement & 200mg resveratrol daily (introduced within the last 2 months), no significant medical issues previously.
Over the last 6-7 months I've experienced fatty/floating stools, bloating, persistent diffuse non-severe dull abdominal pain on the right side centered around the belly button (often continuous, not directly associated with eating), frequent diarrhea (at least weekly), highly increased flatulence, frequent tachycardia after eating fatty foods (100-130bpm), poorly digested foods visible in stools, and frequent dizziness.
I had these symptoms for 3-4 months before going to a doctor.
In mid May, I thought (possibly mistakenly) that I saw blood in my stools (both bright red and black). It's possible that this was actually undigested red/dark food, as several subsequent faecal occult blood tests revealed no blood. Because of this and fearing bowel cancer or similar, I went to urgent care, and underwent several blood tests, stool tests, EKG, etc. All of these came back normal/in range. I have blood test data (all in range), but no data on which stool tests were performed.
Within a week, I underwent a colonoscopy, gastroscopy and duodenoscopy with several biopsies taken. Nothing abnormal was found either visually or by biopsy analysis. Various forms of IBD were tested for (Crohn’s, Celiac, Ulcerative colitis, Microscopic colitis), all negative.
A week later, mainly for my own peace of mind & at separate private locations, I underwent an ultrasound, which also came back largely normal - however with a finding of fatty liver due to increased reflectivity on ultrasound imagery (this ultrasound was not carried out by a GI specialist, subsequent ultrasound had no such findings). I also privately underwent an MRI of my upper body, also with no abnormal findings with respect to the GI tract. A second opinion on MRI imagery returned an enlarged spleen (~12.8cm). On both the MRI and the Ultrasound, my pancreas looked normal. Final reports from both investigations are here: https://imgur.com/a/b8IAC8B
In mid June, as investigations so far come up with nothing, my GP wanted to perform some blood tests related to thyroid function and vitamin levels. I don’t have specific details of these tests, but she informed me that they all came back within range.
At the beginning of July, I went back to my primary care hospital to undergo a second ultrasound test by a GI specialist. This test again did show an enlarged spleen, but all other results were normal. Pancreas was unremarkable (I made sure to ask specifically about it). After discussing the results of all my investigations with the attending junior doctor, I agreed that my symptoms had reduced from their highest intensity, and that they were probably manageable in my day-to-day life. He told me to monitor my symptoms, and come back if things got drastically worse - but that he was satisfied that I wasn’t being affected by anything life threatening & that I should just try to manage the symptoms. I (somewhat reluctantly) agreed.
More blood tests in July revealed very slightly elevated Albumin, and elevated Uric acid (full results here: https://i.imgur.com/8tOyulC.jpg).
This takes us to mid July, when I was aware that I had not been tested for parasites by the hospital, so I ordered a comprehensive bowel test online in order to be sure (from Verisana). I received the results of this on the 20th of this month. The test revealed no evidence of parasites, but did show extremely low levels of pancreatic elastase (< 50 μg/g), as well as extremely low levels of secretory IgA (< 20 μg/mL), and a low stool PH (6.0). I understand the low pancreatic elastase result specifically to be quite serious. I've referred this to my GP, but haven't heard back yet. One thing that I should mention is that this was a mail-in test, so the sample was produced about 5 days before it was analysed, and I'm unsure as to whether it was refrigerated during this time, as I delivered it on the same day to a local Verisana office, which then re-shipped it to their main lab, which presumably took the 5 days. I am unsure if this would corrupt the results in any way. Full results are here: https://imgur.com/a/svh4dUX
Over the last 2-3 months, I've lost 9kg, chiefly due to calorie restriction on my part (going from 2500-3000cal/day to <1500cal/day, avoiding fatty foods, exercising >60 minutes where before I was at 0-20 minutes), going from ~94kg to ~85kg. My symptoms seem to have become less severe, but still exist at perhaps 60-70% of their highest intensity. I do not think my weight loss has been due to my condition, as it has required a large amount of conscious effort, and I lost no/very little weight between February and late May.
What could be wrong?