Is Anyone Else Getting Really Nervous?
Look, I’m not scared that there will be tanks rolling down the street and we have to guerrilla fight for our country or anything and also bear in mind my partner and I will weather tariffs causing our prices for thing to go up… but this rise in nazism is shocking to me. I’m firmly gen-x and I miss the America of Top Gun, Iron Eagle, Red Dawn, etc that made them almost enviable in their country. I have never been so glad to be Canadian but it feels like a storm is coming.
Edited to add: I am NOT afraid tanks will be rolling down the street or that there will be a war. I am nervous for the tariffs and what that will mean for Canada.
The full on, chest out nazi salute was alarming to say the very least and that I am also nervous about.
Also: I know that ideal Amercia was a fiction. I guess I was more just lamenting the Ioss of innocence in how I saw the US