What’s a weird thing Americans have said to you? I’ll start!
Alabama roommate: “You should feel guilty for being British”
me: “why?”
Alabama: “for the war of independence, the lives it lost, your attempt at owning us Americans, and for calling us yanks”
…… I kid you not. I could not be bothered with the fight as I had to live with her for 2 more months. But jfc there was soooo much I wanted to say 😂.
I’ve also had the almost obligatory question of “omg have you met the queen?”
UPDATE (post 5 hours old): these stories you’re telling me are amazing, keep them coming. Am reading every one. Also I have American cousins, who also make fun of Americans, it’s all good lol. And yes, this really did happen. In 2013. A girl called Pia. Hi Pia, if you’re reading.
UPDATE 2 (24 hrs later): I’ve read every reply so far. Loving it! Ps: I never called her a yank, not once. It came so outta the blue 🤔🤣.