First Publication Tips
Hello everyone,
I am aware I'm about to sound a bit like a pretentious person, but please know that I'm genuinely only trying to figure out what the best choice is.
I'm about to graduate with a Master's Degree, and I have been working with a professor on a research paper. The article is ready to be submitted to journals, and my professor has given me a suggestion as to where to publish it.
The journal they mentioned looks nice, but it is pretty new and its CiteScore and SJR ratings are low. I believe this is probably because it doesn't have a long history, so I don't mean to imply that this journal is not legit or important. I have heard, however, that citations and where an article is published can be an important metric for the importance of one's research. On the other hand, I also know that I am at the beginning of my research career and it would be pretentious - as I said before - to demand my work be published in a top-level journal.
My question is, considering all these factors, is it still a good choice to try and publish in this paper? Or will these scores impact me negatively in the future?
Again, part of me feels like this is a stupid question because it is already a great thing to be trying to publish this early in my career and I should be grateful to be given any chance. I still thought I might ask, just in case any of you with more experience has any tips to give.