Would Pete really lose because he‘s gay?
I‘ve seen a lot of self described liberals and progressives, etc, say Pete couldn’t win because he’s gay, claiming Kamala and Hillary didn’t win because they‘re women. I find this frustrating because it seems to completely overlook all the other shortcomings those candidates brought to the table. It fails to address why they lost and instead focuses on identity politics.
Imho you could find the best looking young straight while male but he’d lose just like the others if he doesn’t connect the right dots. It also overlooks the fact Biden won during a time of upheaval and uncertainty.
Personally as a gay man I find Pete just as lame and establishment as Kamala, Hillary and Shapiro. I don’t think any of them could win. The nail in the coffin for establishment democrats appealing to majority of voters is fast approaching if it hasn’t already. Instead of proposing big plans (infrastructure bill) and changes (medicare for all) they try to find some weird middle ground that doesn’t get the job done. They try to appease everyone while not appealing to anyone at all. Focusing on being the lesser of two evils is a weird way to rally voters.
This is also not to mention Pete‘s questionable experience and policy shifts.