East Asians need to stop comparing themselves to other Asians and begin to see each other's wins as team wins

One of the most toxic Asian parenting behaviors was constantly comparing your child to another child. This led to constant competition and insecurity in a lot of Asian American kids growing up.

Unfortunately, a lot of us grew up with this mindset and still have it deeply ingrained. When you see videos of Jonny Kim, you automatically will always see threads and comments saying "Now my mom will never be proud of me" or "that one cousin you hate".

While these are ultimately jokes, I see it as a symptom of a deeper issue in the community --- we constantly compare ourselves against each other negatively, and this results in an inability to cooperate.

South Asians, for what its worth, have been able to make handshake deals with themselves and form family alliances, even in today's modern America. That's why you see a large number of Indian managers and CEOs slowly invading industries where they have great numbers (ex. tech). They marry one another and promote their own. I have personally seen firsthand of inflated performance reports that were purely done for political purposes.

Until East Asians learn to stop treating each other with hostility and arrogance, and a constant need to one up on each other, we will never collectively form a powerful interest group to advocate for our needs.

The dysfunction is deeply ingrained in us, and we need to be kinder to fellow Asian American men. I hate nothing more than the cocky Asian American male who talks a big game around his Asian community friends but suddenly become meek and docile around men of other ethnicities. Glass houses are easily broken.