Habibi, come to Egypt
Currently on a trip in Egypt and I can’t believe the amount of love I am getting from Egyptians. Girls would want pictures with me, follow my instagram, men would constantly say how much they love China, Japan, Korea etc. Of course there are scammers here and there but most of the time, people are genuinely so friendly. In fact, I noticed people are friendlier towards me over white tourists.
I hate how we were gaslit into thinking Asians were always undesirable and looked down upon. Maybe it’s true in the US and her cronies, but everywhere else, Asians are admired. This is my first time going to a non-Western country (apart from China) and the love for Asia blew me away.
Of course Egypt has its problem, but this is not a travel post, I simply want to tell the AMs living in the west feeling undesired that the world is so much bigger, the problem is not you, it’s the ignorance and racism of the West.
Highlight of the story was when I went to an Egyptian wedding and every kid was trying to give me flowers and hugs.