Anyone else find the whole ishowspeed and amy flamy thing to be really racist?

I wonder now if this ishowspeed thing transformed into dehumanizing fetishization towards asian women. The way black tiktok is getting behind ishowspeed as he makes a fool of himself in korea is extremely weird. He got into this relationship with this random small time korean influencer amy flamy and she gained enormous clout because of it afterwards jumping for 10k followers to 2.2 million.

So many random accounts on tiktok these days are from random black guys just posting and obsessing about their relationship.

When it came out that ishowspeed and amy flamy basically weren't ever a real couple (and that they broke up), so many of ishowspeeds fans began hating on amy flamy basically saying that she left him because she wasn't a real girlfriend or whatever. They targeted ishowspeed too but its just really creepy because if you've ever been to korea you know that as low as wmaf is, any relationship with a black guys is like blue moon rare.

It's only because ishowspeed is extremely famous and is one of the biggest streamers in the world that he managed to overcome the race barrier otherwise most korean women do not like black guys or white guys but especially black guys.

I do notice alot of black guys, indian guys, etc just acting really creepy and making super fetishiy comments towards asian women