Why do consol players refuse to talk in game?

It seems like every time I play Everon conflict I find a group of 2-4 guys who won't talk in-game because "we are in a party chat".

If we are going to work together then I need to be able to communicate with you and I need you to communicate with me. This same group also would fast travel from safe house to safe house each grabbing all the weapons in the building and then immediately getting killed in a idiotic car crash or they can't hear me when I'm telling them they are getting flanked and need to change firing positions then they are killed and proceed to grab everything from another safehouse, rinse and repeat.

I asked the same group for 1 AK and 1 magazine while inside of the main deployment point because 4 ps5 players in a party chat felt they needed 2 guns each and alllll of the ammunition in the building. They proceeded to start shooting at my feet so I decided I'd had enough and its time to get greasy.

I took the vehicle from the safehouse and destroyed it, I destroyed every vehicle I saw near their safehouse so they'd have to walk. The final straw was when they shot up the helicopter we where trying to steal because "if they can't have it then nobody can" even though there 2 helicopters. They said they wanted both helis and we can fuck off so me and my spotter dropped all of them at 400m with binoculars and 1 good burst from a PKM.

They died right infront of the hanger, if you are reading this then why are you like this? We didn't want to kill you but every time you'd see us driving you'd take pop shots at our van, I was very excited to have 4 new trigger pullers but instead I found 4 grifting fortnite kids 😐

Rant over.