Don’t fly/drive the other sides vehicles and get mad when your team opens up on you

I saw yesterday where some newer players were defending Entre-Deux while it was under attack by the U.S, and a Huey comes flying in. Obviously, the newer players open up on it. Pilot starts radioing in that it was friendly but he was too late and gets shot down. He starts telling everyone to kick them and everyone vote kicks them out. In my opinion, you can’t fly and drive the other sides vehicles and get mad when your own guys open up on you, especially when their new. This isn’t call of duty or battlefield where everyone knows where everyone’s at. This is Arma, and there’s a lot of confusion in Arma because of its realism. Don’t get upset when you get accidentally team killed, even if you do make an effort to radio in that your friendly. You knew the risks when you decided to load into an enemy vehicle. Just my two cents.