Answers and questions

Copied from Discord today

Travis Walker : cycles happen, people come and go, many times other projects pull focus from chatting in here or other rooms across our industry. the same with our slack in previous years. new members join and old members leave. we truly have an adhd industry. it is also a newer concept to be able to interact with the team of your personal investment and ask questions. this was never a thing in the past, you could never invest in ibm and then join a chat room to talk with the team/board/ceo and gauge your risk/reward. You just sat back and waited until there was announcements or conventions/conferences/videos/advertisements. But now, thanks to the internet, satoshi and decentralization, this easy access to teams has created an entirely new type of researcher/investor. One that demands acknowledgement and answers, whether the team can legally answer or not. this new type of investor doesnt care and will state their point, sometimes wrong, sometimes right. This can be viewed as negative in many cases and most call it fud. our industry is rampant with this and some even believe that they can move sentiment and markets with it. the one consistency in our industry is this.