The downfall

I really like the game a lot.

But instead of finally disabling the thermal scope or doing something similar, we get skins for €120 and a weather map that again favors thermal players.

Reported cheaters are barely getting banned anymore. Just recently, I got shot through two walls, and that guy is still playing at a “legend” level with just 30 hours of playtime and over 100 million in value.

I’ve never felt so strongly that the players just don’t matter at all.

This is probably also the reason the game isn’t appearing on Steam. It would be rated “deep red” and very negative within an hour.

The competitor, DF, is managing all of this just fine. Including a new PvE map, an awesome hideout, and tons of quests. That’s where you find long-term motivation.

I hope Abi manages to turn things around; otherwise, this will soon be history. Just look at the player numbers on Twitch.