feeling down BEFORE ed1 decisions come out.
honestly, i’m a mid applicant. i kind of really applied ed1 to uchicago out of hopes and prayers, but now that ive been thinking about it, im going to be so incredibly disappointed if i dont get in. i have been dreaming and fantasizing about my life there since i submitted my app in october, like im so obsessed.
generally, i’m extremely confident in my essays, my act was pretty good, but i just feel that my gpa is going to hold me back. i am dreading the moment i open that decision, because somehow, a school that i should 100% not expect to get into no matter what is suddenly so important to my life?? i feel like this validation is beginning to be unhealthy! anyone else going through this, i hope we will be okay.
i’m fr trying to feel that “rejection is redirection” motto right about now…