My driveway is horrible and I broke my car because of it... Cost me $800.

My apartment building driveway is very narrow and I basically have to park in a narrow space between 3 cars that a plow cannot fit into. I can barely fit into with a mid sized car. On top of that, our driveway, when it does get plowed (which is rare) only gets plowed in a half ass attempt. So I've now gotten stuck in a snowbank when trying to pull out and trapped my neighbors in as a result. This week, getting stuck in the snowbank knocked something out of the bottom of the car and cost me $800. I think I may have overestimated the amount of room I had, but I needed to be somewhere and was otherwise trapped in. I don't have a copy of the lease so I don't remember what it says about parking. But I'm kind of wanting to call property management to complain to see if anything can be done, like a better plow job or actually have someone come shovel. Idk. And to possibly get some money taken off a months rent as reimbursement for my cars bill. But I'm afraid of pissing property management off by asking this. I've never called them to complain before. Has anyone else ever done this or had experience or problems with this? What did you do? What should I do?