I feel like hopelessness is eating at me
It's 12 am and I'm just crying. Today was a hard day for no reason, I just simply felt awful and I barely left the bed. I was dizzy and tired and in a weird mood.
Right now I feel so off it is like I'm losing my mind. I have tons of anxiety, even though I just took my meds. It feels like I can't control it. I'm doing my best trying to breathe and avoid an anxiety attack, although my heart is already pounding hard, and I feel like I can't breathe.
I think I'll listen to some music to steam a little and see if it works, because I was watching a series to distract me and it didn't work.
Good thing, both my cats are with me right now, which is nice. Still, it'd be nice to stop crying and feeling like everything is going to end
I truly hope you're feeling better than me. This sucks