Anyone relate?, Tickle throat/tickly cough/ constant throat clearing with dry cough since October I’m 21 and male.

Non-smoker. I’ve been feeling this odd tickle in my throat (like the very bottom of my neck/throat in between the collarbones since last October. It’s a tickle that always makes me fee like I’m about to cough. Sometimes I do cough, but the cough is dry and non-productive and always has been. It’s a very short small cough and always has been as well. I get this constant need to clear my throat. As of lately, sometimes when I take a deep sniff of my nose and when I take a deep breath I feel my upper chest area feel like this weird tickly sensation as well but it’s more like a pressure/breath stop/tight chest kind of feeling. This started about a week ago. I don’t have a fever and I never had one. My oxygen level is normal (it’s even sometimes 100%). Anyone else relate to this or have had this before? I do plan on going to the doctor. I always spiral into the fact that it could be lung (c-word) even if I know it’s more likely to be literally anything else than that. Mental health has been deteriorating lately. I tested negative three times on covid rapid tests through the span of from October to now never taken a pcr test though.