User is Irena246. (Not accepting buddy requests or any more droppers! You can star me in the game or follow me on here for updates.)
There will be 2 rounds! So if you don't get into the first, you'll have chance for the second. First round starts at 10 PM Eastern Time. Second round's start time will be based on when the first ends, but estimated time will be between 10:30 to 10:45. Keep a lookout on my profile for when I post. I'll wait a couple minutes after the last dropper drops for people to collect rewards. After that, I'll lock everyone out and wait five minutes before unlocking for round two.
If you attend the first round, PLEASE leave the second round dedicated to those who didn't make it the first time.
General rules:
There'll be a barrier to the right of where you spawn (a row of benches) to prevent crowding. Please do not cross this (misclicks are obviously okay as long as you go back).
Remove pets and accessories to prevent lag.
Be respectful and appreciative of my fellow droppers: Silverflash6, Cec202, iLovetigerss11, Yay12334, Jax1800, xxpast3lblazexx, idboss4, Moonstar567, Staceysmom11, buoy16, forestwildh, draktharr, fireflymouse, cheesethewolf, Thanderbalto. They are what made this drop possible.
Hope to see you there!