Any of these worth it?
The past month my algorithm has been shoving film cameras in my face left and right(I’m loving it). And I’m getting a lot of nostalgia for when I used to carry around cameras as a kid. I recently picked up a used Fujifilm xt-3 to get a little comfortable shooting digital for fun again and it’s been great. I’ve also been thrifting for film cameras the past couple of weekends with no luck. But, I’m really itching to get my hands on an SLR and shoot a roll of 35mm.
I recently realized I live within driving distance of a fully analogue store called catLABS. I have seen some comments here, both good and bad. They have a decent selection of 35mm SLRs that I’ve been interested in, but the price keeps me weary. I wanted to just ask all of you lovely people who know a heck of a ton more than me, if any of the camera in their selection were really worth the price or not. Or if I should just keep trying my luck thrifting/marketplace for something cheaper. I know they obviously need to charge more as a storefront, and I am happy to support if it is worth it. Would love any and all input. I’d love to stay under $200, but I see some models under $300 that seem more highly recognized, and if they’re really worth it I might consider it.
Thank you all in advance!:) <3