I want to leave the United States, but I’m also completely terrified of doing so

It’s not exactly a secret that the United States is spiraling, both on a domestic and world stage. We’re struggling to compete with our rivals, most Americans, including me, are just barely getting by, our allies are starting to cut ties with us, and our government is becoming increasingly radical. I’ve been considering leaving the country for a couple years now, and recent events have convinced me that my main argument for staying, the belief that this could still be turned around, is no longer possible. But in that time, a new issue has cropped up. I’ve noticed that on the internet, many non-Americans are hostile to Americans by default, and hold all Americans responsible for the events going on in my country at the moment. I want to leave America, but if real life reflects what I’ve seen online, I worry I’d face judgement, discrimination, or even harassment if I was open about where I came from, regardless of what country I immigrated to.

What should I do? Are these fears something that’s valid, or am I seeing things that aren’t there. Currently a college senior with some work experience, and only a small amount saved up. Speaks English and Spanish, and interested in immigrating to English or Spanish speaking countries- particularly interested in Canada, Spain, Australia, Ireland, or ideally the UK, as I have distant relatives living in the UK, albeit I’m not especially close to any of them.