I gave one of the managers from leadership a dirty look (stare). Should I be okay?

So story short, I was walking back to my stow station from the bathroom and out of the blue someone from Leadership saw me on the phone while walking the green mile. He came up to me and told me I shouldn't be on the phone in the green mile (new dumb rule that didn't exist before), so he took a picture of my badge which I assumed was automatically a write up.

Moments later, he was chatting to the stower next to my station. I assumed they were friends. As he was talking while in my station, I gave him a dirty stare and he noticed me and was staring back. He was staring back at me as he was talking and eventually left.

I have no history of hostile behavior at Amazon and the last time I had a phone write up was several months ago.

Should I be okay or did I escalate the problem?