
So to sum things up. I applied to amazon mind you have I have another job already. So all week amazon has been emailing me letting me know training will be at 6pm-12am the first two weeks. The day before my shift starts they tell me its been changed to 1am-7am. Literally 8 hours from the time being. My other job is 3am-8am so I explain to them that it was last second and I won’t make it to all trainings. I get this email ^ I come into work today they said I have been terminated because I missed days…. Will I be reinstated? I already re emailed hr

So to sum things up. I applied to amazon mind you have I have another job already. So all week amazon has been emailing me letting me know training will be at 6pm-12am the first two weeks. The day before my shift starts they tell me its been changed to 1am-7am. Literally 8 hours from the time being. My other job is 3am-8am so I explain to them that it was last second and I won’t make it to all trainings. I get this email ^ I come into work today they said I have been terminated because I missed days…. Will I be reinstated? I already re emailed hr