AITA for expecting reassurance?

My boyfriend (M20) and I (F20) have been dating for two years. He's met my mother individually but my folks want an official meeting with him and his family, beginning with a phone call from his father to mine. He's talked to his dad about it multiple times but no phone call has taken place yet. Earlier today my BF and I were on the phone just talking when my dad called me to his room to talk to me. My BF told me he was gonna go, but I popped a headphone in and told him that it was no biggie he should just wait for me to finish. Turns out my dad wanted to talk to me about my BF, saying basically that because his dad hasn't called mine, I should maybe consider that he is just looking to use me and that nothing is set in stone, maybe I should find someone who takes these things seriously, not knowing that my BF was actually on the phone with me and could hear everything. He also said that I shouldn't always talk with my boyfriend readily and that if I make him wait before seeing him/talking to him than it will make me more valuable and prevent my BF from taking advantage of me. I was kind of neutral, not really saying much. The conversation did not last long, maybe 10-15 minutes, and afterwards I went back to my room and tried to talk to him about what had just happened, expecting him to reassure me and tell me that he wasn't just using me or whatever. Instead he was kind of quiet, and only really gave one word answers instead of conversing with me. I told him I wanted to talk and he said it was weird that he just eavesdropped on a conversation like that and left pretty quickly after that and called me an hour later. I tried to explain that I was upset that he didn't reassure me, and he told me that he thought that after two years together he wouldn't need to reassure me that he wasn't using me. The thing is, on two separate occasions at 6 months and 1 year, my boyfriend had breakdowns and tried to end the relationship before calming down. I mentioned that and said that I don't think that it's crazy for me to want reassurance after hearing my dad say those things and he went quiet again before agreeing and leaving again. I kind of feel guilty now, me and my BF are usually on the same page about most things but this whole thing feels weird. AITA?

TLDR: my dad said some things about my boyfriend potentially using me, my boyfriend overheard and didn't reassure me, I'm kind of upset but feel like an AH.