AITA for telling my sister to change her interview?

Me (23F), Sister (20F), Mom (56F), Dad (60M)

This has been a huge issue in my family. My sister “Alice” has always been the troubled kid. She fought with my parents, got in trouble at school, and dropped out of college after a year (I think she just used it as an excuse to move out). Now, she works part-time and paints but avoids visiting my parents, claiming she’s “too busy” with commissions. This has caused a lot of tension. My parents even offered to drive her over so she could paint at their house, but she laughed it off, saying there was no way she could bring all her work. We see her sometimes, but not often.

A few weeks ago, Alice told us in our family group chat (which she barely uses) that she’d been invited to speak on a university panel about gender in the arts. She was going to talk about her paintings of women and lgbt people (mostly just her friends). My dad gently suggested she should focus on more important topics like war or endangered species. Alice got defensive, saying her work was important and didn’t respond to any messages after that.

Later, I found out through a cousin (who Alice is close to) that she did the panel anyway. I reached out to the organizers, saying I was her sister but not a student and asked for the recording. They said it wasn’t ready yet but sent me a preview clip of her parts. That’s when the issue started.

One question asked about being a gay woman and artist, and after rambling, Alice said, “It’s definitely hard to find support. I mean, the first thing my dad said when I told him about this was that he wished I’d do something actually important.” This was met with laughter and fake offense from the host. Alice amd the other people on the panel laughed about it and shared similar experiences, but I felt like she was just mocking our family on a semi-public platform for sympathy.

I sent her the clip with “???” and it took her days to reply. When she finally did, she said, “I didn’t know they were doing previews. I’ll send the link to the full thing when it’s out if you want.” Like it didn’t even matter. I told her she should be ashamed, that she embarrassed herself and made our dad look like a joke for just giving advice. I also said she needed to ask the organizers to cut the part about our dad. I admit I said some harsh things I regret, but she just screenshotted my messages and didn’t reply.

Now my mom is furious and keeps calling her, while my dad says he doesn’t care about “art students who’ll just end up flipping burgers” but I can tell it bothers him. Alice eventually sent a message to the group chat saying, “I stand by what I said. And no, I’m not asking anyone to edit my interview for your egos.”

AITA? My friends mostly agree with me since they know Alice is difficult, but one friend said I was wrong for asking her to cut it since we weren’t supposed to see the interview in the first place and I made it worse by insulting her.

Edit to clear up some common questions/comments.

She was a difficult child not because of my parents but because she was bullied in school quite often, she instigated a lot of it and some of our teachers hinted at or outright suggested that she had some behavioural disorders which looking back makes sense. I am also not a golden child by any means and I’m aware my parents could have done more despite doing their best.

I wanted the clips because I wanted to try and see what the deal was with artist panels as I obviously hadn’t been to one before and I showed my parents because they would have found out eventually anyway.

A second edit:

Yes her school, was awful and yes I could’ve done much more but I was also a child and doing my best. Yes she was beaten up and hit often and she also beat up other kids. I could’ve done more as her older sister but realistically what could I have done? The point of the post isn’t her schooling.