Looking for a paid summer job?

Interested in gaining environmental engineering, geology, earth sciences experience this summer?

Apply to be a Summer Seasonal Employee within NYSDEC’s Division of Remediation! We have 5 positions for the Albany office we are looking to fill for Summer 2024. Duties will vary from position to position, based on the assignment, but they all have a common goal, to serve and protect human health and the environment. Assist with remediation project tasks, including review and evaluation of workplans, remedial investigation reports, feasibility studies, and site management plans. Solicit, coordinate and resolve comments from other divisions and local/state/federal agencies. Gain experience in environmental field oversight and programmatic processes, including use of such programs as GIS and EQuIS.

Apply by February 28th. To apply, submit your resume and employment application form to NYS Department of Environmental Conservation 625 Broadway, Albany, New York 12233-5060, Attn: Director of Personnel or contact Personnel at: 518-402-9273 [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

Please indicate on the employment application that you are seeking Seasonal Employment in the space provided for "type of work position desired" and indicate that you are seeking technical seasonal employment. Applicants will be informed by the end of May if they are being offered a position.