Is Night Springs a different version than Bright Falls?

WARNING! Spoilers for Alan Wake 2's Night Springs DLC and Alan Wake 2's ending

>! We hear Door talk about multiple worlds, Dylan says it too in the Lake House and in Control. We hear the Sheriff talk when Saga's stuck in the dark place about how Parliament tower is just a different version of New York, it's in the song to Night Springs "Endless versions of this town" so could an argument be made that Night Springs is just another Bright Falls (Or vice versa) and playing through the Night Springs DLC is just us living through these different alternative realities? !<

This may be something well theorized already, I've already finished control and its AWE DLC, but as I've just finished Alan Wake 2 and I'm now playing through the Night Springs expansions (Soon will also play Lake House) I'd like to know what is the idea the community has for these things