Boulder Setlist

Great show tonight. About an hour and 20 minutes (plus Aimee joined Jonathon Coulton on a couple of songs during his opening set).

The Setlist was the same as the previously posted Portland show. The VIP Soundcheck songs were 4th of July, Lost in Space, Goose Snow Cone, and Ghost World.

For the older folks who remember how much Aimee hated banter (eg the Acoustic Vaudeville tour with Michael Penn when comedians supplied the between-song banter), she seems more and more at ease each tour. Downright chatty tonight.

Great show tonight. About an hour and 20 minutes (plus Aimee joined Jonathon Coulton on a couple of songs during his opening set).

The Setlist was the same as the previously posted Portland show. The VIP Soundcheck songs were 4th of July, Lost in Space, Goose Snow Cone, and Ghost World.

For the older folks who remember how much Aimee hated banter (eg the Acoustic Vaudeville tour with Michael Penn when comedians supplied the between-song banter), she seems more and more at ease each tour. Downright chatty tonight.