Year end decisions

Hi, looking for some feedback on some decisions before year-end:

Currently: 75k status $6,400 SQD 110,000 SQM No flights planned before year end so anything would be an SQD run.

In my mind I have 4 options 1. Do nothing - 50k next year 2. Spend $600 to get to 7K SQD and get an international PE Priority Reward 3. Spend $2,600 and get to 75k status next year. The reason I’m interested in is I found I clear eups way more when 75k. A lot of 50k statuses out there to compete with 4. Spend $3,600 to get another international PE priority reward.

I really like the international PE priority rewards. I’ve been able to get amazing redemptions and save significant amounts of points with them.

I’m looking for anyone’s thoughts / comments here on any of the above plans.

Thanks in advance