Am I ready for a dog?
So honestly I am the one making a PowerPoint presentation to convince my SO for a dog that I want. We both want one but she is focused a bit more on costs/needs. So I want a realist perspective from people please. We would be looking at an English mastiff.
my SO and I are looking into getting a dog, I had mastiffs when growing up and really miss having a big drool machine in the house. But I am very conscious about giving the dog the best life I can and I wouldn’t be even thinking about it if my current circumstances would change in the next 5 years.
We both work from home 2 days of the week (myself Thursday and Friday, she works from home Monday and Tuesday) and we were thinking of doggy day care on Wednesday to help with socialisation.
Working from home is in our work contracts so it can’t be pulled away without some significant notice. If that were to happen my SO goes to work usually at 10am and I usually come home for lunch at 1pm for an hour and then finish at 4:30 so they would be on their own for 5 hours a day at max.
We have a medium size house with a big garden and a decent forest behind the house for us to take them out.
I worked out the insurance costs and rough food requirements and it’s something that we could realistically afford on a single income if we were to ever look into children.
The reason for an English mastiff is that I know that they are not as exercise focused (still need a decent amount but not the same level as a GSD). We aren’t bothered by drool. They don’t appear to be as “hyper” like other breeds. My SO likes the look of the English mastiff (not as in a fashion thing but as in how the breeders describe their temperament) but doesn’t like the look of other mastiffs (cane corso/bull mastiffs/Neapolitan).
Please let me know your thoughts