How do you even make a guy like you?
How do you even make a guy like you?
I (19F) am so uncharismatic I feel like there's no way I could make a guy like me. I know people that are just so fun and people gravitate towards them, whereas I'm boring and inhibited. Even when I try to act more fun and hyper (because most men like girls like that, I've noticed) it's not something I can sustain, I guess I'm more on the quiet/listener side or maybe I need the right people to bring that out of me.
I've had a boyfriend before but he never liked me as a person, I could see that he used to get bored in my company and would prefer to spend his time with other people, and that left a scar I guess, I tried to act more fun around him but it didn't really work it seems. I've never had a guy actually be "obsessed" (not unhealthy, of course) or seem like he really likes me a lot, and perhaps that's my fault because I just have a boring personality. What should I do, I'm stuck between wanting someone to accept me the way I am, but at the same time, I feel insecure and unable to find someone that really wants me