I don’t know what to name this besides something a random teenager would think.

(18M) has there own place, car, job. I’m not good at social interactions which describes why I play a lot of video games. I want a relationship with someone one day but I accepted be alone as people say too soon. People always make fun of me for being virgin. They say I am good looking and I need to get some btchs so I can become more of a man, instead of wasting my time slowly becoming a little b*tch myself. I want a relationship but to me it’s not worth my time as it wouldn’t last long and tbh I’d rather use that time to make money. There has been people that tried setting up stuff to hook me up with random girls so I can have some experience but I felt uncomfortable to do so as I would rather do it with someone meaningful. As of someone I could see a future with. I’m usually alone watching reals, gaming, or partying to pass time. There a girl I like (16F) but I don’t know if she truly likes me back or has feelings for me. She says she likes me but I’m really not sure. I knew her and her family for 5-6 years and so has my family. Her and I have never really been able to tell ourselves as much due to her parents etc. maybe in the future but I don’t know. I don’t really know what to do with my life much. My family says that I should. just keep working hard , get my dream car (hopefully less than 5 years), and deck out my pad like I want/ slowly been working my way up to. My family also says I should not focus on getting together with anyone soon and just wait a while as I’m still young. Since I became an adult time has been passing by so fast it’s unbearable, and depressing. I noticed from a year ago I looked 5 years younger compared to how I currently look. My parents say I shouldn’t be as sad as I am as I will have a great future ahead. I’m just lost I guess but reality is that I fear or dying alone let alone what happens after death itself. All I want is someone I can spend my life with as all my siblings besides my twin are in their 30s, and my parents don’t have that good of heath and won’t be alive forever. My twin is the only sibling out of my 5 that is willing/ has something to do with me. I need someone’s pov of my perspective/theirs for some advice please.