How do you guys cope with depressing political news?

I still remember the day when Trump first won in 2016. I wasn’t really into politics at that time (was in college) but since then has taken a lot of interest. At first it was more like entertainment, but after Trump won his second term, I have just been filled with dread over what may happen over the near 4 years. I inevitably perseverate over the worse possible outcomes - that we will no longer have a democracy/freedom of speech and press, that we will be more divided, not just within America but also amongst the world. That we may go into a recession, that there may be a war/invasion involving our longtime allies. I still make an effort to stay up to date in politics, but it’s just becoming so depressing these days. At the same time, I don’t want to tune everything out as I feel it’s important to stay informed.

How do you guys manage this?