I'm not sure if I should keep my barbie collection
I am 20yrs old and I wouldn't say my collection is all that grand, however I do have some of the original Barbies from the 50s and 60s and a lot more from the 90s. Along with the airplane from the 70s. I'm unfortunately faced against my delusional and toxic mother who is trying to force me to get rid of everything that doesn't fit in my room and will not let me keep a box of Barbies in a cabinet in the home I live in. Disclaimer: storage space is not an issue for us, she just believes there should be nothing kept stored in the cabines.. So I either have to find a spot for these Barbies in my room or they have to go. I don't really have any sentimental value for them besides the ones from the 50s since they're the originals but I did want to keep the dolls for my own kids. Reasons why I want them for my kids is because I feel like the newer dolls and accessories are made cheaply, they're expensive when starting at ground zero, I have hundreds of accessories and a dozen dolls already. I just don't see myself having kids for the next 10 years tho so I'd have to find a place and hold onto the dolls for longer. I'm not sure what to exactly do