My Boyfriend gave me an STI / made me infertile…
Do I break up with him ?
last year, when it started to get more intimate with my first and only boyfriend, I (19F) asked him (22M) multiple times if he could get tested before we did anything, and he refused every single time, even though I did get tested and was cleared. But one thing lead to another, I caved and we ended up having intercourse (my first time).
Upon questioning why he refused to get tested, he said that he didn’t believe he had anything.
A few weeks later I started feeling debilitating pain in my stomach. This is now a little over a year ago, and it led to me having an emergency surgery last month. After the surgery, the doctor told me that I had an STI which led to my right ovary and everything around it being completely infected. He also said that chances are that my ovaries don’t function regularly anymore, and also that my partner should get tested, the doctor was sure it came from him. So he gets tested and it turns out positive.
And it was the first time I had ever had intercourse with someone in my life, which is why I asked for him to get tested in the first place. Looking back it seems like a huge red flag, but at the end it was still my decision.
I still cannot get over it tbh, I have to see these ugly stitches on my stomach everyday now, and also live with the pain of those, as well as the immobility (which I know will get better with time). And even though I don’t want kids, I would still like to be as healthy as I was. I felt more powerful when it was a choice not to have kids. Knowing that it might not be just a personal choice anymore hurts me a lot actually. I had a perfectly healthy and functioning body and now I haven’t had my period for almost 2 months.
And no he did not cheat, or kept it a secret from me. He is just very stupid and his ego got in his way, like most men.
Besides this thing, he is the perfect man, he goes above and beyond every single day for me. He does seem to really regret it, I’ve caught him crying on the phone to his friends about how much he fucked up and he feels bad that he hurt me, and how he knows its not forgivable.
My question is; do I break up with him? Or can we work it out? And if so, how do we work it out? Does anyone have experience with this? Please share.
My boyfriend unknowingly gave me an STI, even though I asked for him to get tested. I suffer the consequences of an infection now. My respect for him is out the window. But I do still love him. Do I break up ? Or can we work it out ?