Experience with femoral stress fracture and cross-training

Hey ya'll!

Well, many soft tissue and some bone injuries later and I'm on crutches/non-weight bearing for the first time in my life due to a pretty gnarly femoral stress fracture (compressed medial cortex).

It's been just over one week on crutches and I'm losing my mind slightly less than I expected, but I also know that's coming. I've been in the pool swimming with a buoy and that's pretty much the only thing I can do aside from upper body lifting. Tried the arm bike but could barely get my heart rate above 95.

For those of you who have had this injury, I'd love to hear:

- when you were able to increase cross-training options (starting with stationary bike)- when you were partial weightbearing- were you non weightbearing for the full 6+ weeks?- any other anecdotes i should know

I have a PT and an ortho of course, it's just really helpful to get some anecdotal experiences from fellow runners who just want to...move. It's very hard to go from being active 2-3 hours a day to virtually nothing.

Thank you!

ETA: compressed medial cortex stress fracture