Duel Destinies spoilers: People are wrong about Robin Newman

Usually I see two main views on her. Either, she is a trans man or her character has absolutely nothing to do with being trans.

I think I should preface with saying I am transgender. That definitely influenced how I view the character. But I think that she is an allagory of transgender women specifically.

We see this through her complete breakdown in court when realizing she's not as pretty as Juniper is, and that she's got something on her holding her back from this. Something intrinsic that if she is not allowed to remove. Despite this, she pretends to take pride in how masculine it makes her look - not letting anyone know the discomfort it causes.

She was forced to be a boy her whole life, until Athena finally breaks those shackles and helps her be her true self.

Her braces are how I, and a lot of other trans girls feel, about our own bodies. A kind of disconnect and societal pressure to be masculine and be happy about being masculine.

Also a little side note but I like how when the characters still think she is a man they're still completely fine with her wanting to have looked pretty in Juniper's outfit. It's just kinda nice to see.