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In order to acquire user flair, copy the following text entirely and exclusively and paste it as a reply to the stickied comment in this thread:
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By doing so, you are asserting that you have, indeed, done exactly what the message says.
When done correctly, you should (immediately) receive a verification message from the AutoModerator.
The following flair tiers exist for commenters:
Commenter: default tier assigned to commenters who copy-paste the correct text as a reponse to the stickied comment in this thread
Verified Rater: requires a cumulative comment karma score of at least 10 over a total of at least 10 ratings
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Expert Rater: requires a cumulative comment karma score of at least 75 over a total of at least 50 ratings
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You can also check your account's commenting statistics by responding to the second comment in this thread with the !check command (those exact 6 characters). You may have to wait at least a day before receiving this information.