WIBTA if I prevented my anti-vaxxer mom from meeting her first grandchild for refusing to get the TDAP booster?

I apologize if this comes off more as a rant. I swear I’m looking for advice. My hormones are elevated because of how pissed I am after getting off a call with my mom. I’m trying to calm down and be rational but IDK what to do and just need advice on how to get my mom to grow tf up.

I’m 10 weeks from my due date. My mom called me to talk about the baby shower and I mentioned to her my brother who lives in CA may not come because he wants to be here for his nephew’s birth. Told her that I warned him that he’ll need to get the TDAP booster if he wants to be around him and that I want to limit as many ppl as possible that have access to him in the first two months after his birth. I’ve been through so much to get to this point with my baby boy that I’m madly in love with and I’m taking every precaution to make sure he’s safe.

My mom goes “I’ll wear a mask or something but I’m not getting no vaccine” 🙂

Repeating this is pissing me off all over again. I explained to her as calmly as possible that my doctor said it’s required for anyone who will be in contact with a newborn to have the TDAP booster. My siblings understand this, my husband, my in-laws. THIS WOMAN THO??? She’s like “I’ve never had to get that vaccine I’m not getting anymore vaccines. I refuse to put these things in my body.” I was like “well then you won’t be anywhere near your grandson for the first couple months.”

She starts arguing with me about it and OMG my mom is freaking anti-vaxxer!! It’s pissing me off again again again it’s pissing me off just typing this. Her irresponsible self was the FIRST ONE TO GET COVID when the pandemic hit because she didn’t listen to sht my siblings and I WARNED her about. We literally had to THREATEN HER and drag her ass to a freaking clinic to get the vaccine while she whined and complained and spat conspiracy theories from Facebook boomer memes! AND when she got COVID we told her to QUARANTINE and why when I checked up on her she said she was at a freaking GROCERY STORE??? You are INFECTED!! Why tf do I need to parent my parent to be a non-selfish adult???? Sorry yall I’m pissed I’m pissed. Im so pissed.

I ranted to my brother and sister who said they’re gonna talk to her. My husband told me not to stress and she’ll eventually change her mind when we tell her she can’t be around our son. But my mom is so hard-headed and sneaky and this is not the BS I need right now. Has anyone dealt with boomer anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist parents? How do I get my mom to see reason? And if I can’t, WIBTA if I give her ignorant self nothing more than a FaceTime cause I’m not compromising on this.